Behavioral Health Intervention Services
Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS) is a home based skill building program for children, teens, and their families. Through this skill building children, teens, and families are better able to; Resolve conflict, problem solve, participate in social interactions, have interpersonal relationships, communicate, understand language processing, manage their emotions, engage in cognitive flexibility, manage their anger.
All of Next Step’s Behavioral Interventionists hold a bachelor degree with extensive training in mental health diagnosis and evidence based treatments. Our staff are continuously training to keep up with new therapeutic techniques that provide valuable intervention to children, teens, and families.

Child Mental Health Waiver
The Children’s Mental Health Waiver is a short-term home and community based waiver designed to provide a community-based mental health service alternative for youth with serious emotional disturbance who might otherwise be hospitalized. To find out more about the Children’s Mental Health Waiver, contact us or the Integrated Health Home in your area.
Children’s Mental Health Waiver services provided by Next Step Counseling Services:
- In-Home Family Therapy
This is a therapeutic service provided to the child and family. Therapy addresses the stressed and/or fragmented relationships that threaten cohesiveness of the family. This service assists the child by supporting the integrity of his/her family relationships. The service must support the family in developing coping strategies that will enable the child to continue living within the family environment.
- Family and Community Support Services
- Developing and maintaining a crisis support network for the child and his/her family.
- Modeling and coaching effective coping strategies for the child’s family member(s).
- Building resilience to the stigma of serious emotional disturbance by the development of relationships with peers and community members.
- Modeling and coaching the strategies and interventions identified in the child’s crisis
- Intervention plan to life situations with his/her family and in the community.
- Developing medication management skills.
- Developing personal hygiene and grooming skills that contributes to the child’s positive self image.
- Developing socialization skills and citizenships skills.

Comprehensive Clinical Evaluations and Assessments
Assessments consist of a historical exploration with the youth and family on in-depth emotional and behavioral needs and issues that need to be resolved.
The assessment will explore the onset and duration of behaviors and mental illness of the youth, adult and/or family, while identifying appropriate treatment and resources for them.

Group Therapy/Skill Development
Next Step offers a wide variety of skill building groups such as “Aggression Replacement Training” (ART), a program that is designed to teach adolescents to understand and replace aggression and antisocial behavior with positive alternatives. Other group topics include problem solving, decision making, interpersonal, communication and social skills. We will also custom design and implement groups to meet the needs of specific populations upon request.
Click here for more information.

Habilitation Services
Habilitation Services provide Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) to individuals with functional deficits typically associated with chronic mental illness.
Services are designed to assist in acquiring, retaining and improving the self-help, socialization and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in home and community-based settings.
Next Step Counseling Services provides the following Habilitation Services:
- Home-Based Habilitation
Services are provided in the consumer’s home and community. Typical examples would be assistance with socialization, budgeting, grocery shopping, personal hygiene skills, etc.
Day HabilitationThis service is provided in a day program setting outside the home. It focuses on areas such as social skills, communication skills, behavior management, etc.
To schedule an assessment for Habilitation Services contact us or the Integrated Health Home in your area.

Individual and Family Skill Development Services
Individual skill building teaches the youth social and life skills. Some common issues addressed include anger management, interactions with others, peer relationships, communication, feeling expression, healthy boundaries, decision making skills and school survival skills.
Parent skill building teaches parents parenting skills. Some common issues addressed are limit setting with youth, effective communication, age appropriate rules and expectations and also consistency in parenting.

Youth, Adult and Family Therapy
Individual therapy is used to counsel youth or adults with emotional and behavioral issues such as; ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Adjustment Disorder, poor interpersonal relationships and issues that trouble them at school, with the law, in the community and/or with peers or parents.
Family therapy is an integral part of the youth and family development and ability to be self-sufficient. Some common issues addressed in a family are communication, conflict resolution, setting realistic expectations and rules for youth and consistency in parenting.